Will, David Lewis, 1819


    1. George Lewis
    2. Residence
      1. George Lewis
    1. Family of Henry Davies and Elizabeth Lewis
      1. Elizabeth Lewis
      2. Henry Davies
    1. David Lewis
    2. Residence
      1. David Lewis
    1. David Lewis
    2. Death
      1. David Lewis
    1. Family of Reese and Mary Lewis
      1. Mary Lewis
      2. Reese
    1. Family of Shadrach Bywater and Anne Lewis
      1. Anne Lewis
      2. Shadrach Bywater
    1. David Lewis
    2. Probate
      1. David Lewis
    1. Family of NN McCulloch and Hannah Lewis
      1. Hannah Lewis
      2. NN McCulloch
    1. David Lewis
    2. Yeoman
      1. David Lewis
    1. David Lewis
    2. Will
      1. David Lewis