Baptism Record, Robert Ovenstone, 1797


    1. Baptism
      1. Robert Ovenstone
    2. Robert Ovenstone
    1. Baptism
      1. Robert Ovenstone
    1. John Ovenstone
    2. Residence
      1. John Ovenstone
    1. David Allan
    2. Residence
      1. David Allan
    1. Birth
      1. Robert Ovenstone
    2. Robert Ovenstone
    1. Family of William Guthrie and Anna Brown
      1. Anna Brown
      2. William Guthrie
    1. Fisherman
      1. William Guthrie
    2. William Guthrie
    1. Marion Brown
    1. Anna Brown
    1. Marion Brown
    1. Baptism
      1. Robert Ovenstone
    1. David Allan
    2. Fisherman
      1. David Allan
    1. Residence
      1. William Guthrie
    2. William Guthrie
    1. John Ovenstone
    2. Shoremaster
      1. John Ovenstone
    1. Marion Brown
    2. Residence
      1. Marion Brown