Obituary, Charlotte Payne Edwards, 1944

Author Oswestry Advertizer
Publication information 25 October 1944, page 6


    1. Annie Daisy Edwards
    2. Residence
      1. Annie Daisy Edwards
    1. Charlotte Payne Ward
    2. Residence
      1. Charlotte Payne Ward
    1. Edward Edwards
    2. Residence
      1. Edward Edwards
    1. Edward Edwards
    2. Residence
      1. Edward Edwards
    1. Death
      1. Charlotte Payne Ward
    1. Charlotte Payne Ward
    2. Death
      1. Charlotte Payne Ward
    1. Charlotte Payne Ward
    2. Residence
      1. Charlotte Payne Ward
    1. Burial
      1. Charlotte Payne Ward
    2. Charlotte Payne Ward
    1. Family of Josiah Percival Holland and Annie Daisy Edwards
      1. Annie Daisy Edwards
      2. Josiah Percival Holland
    1. Charlotte Payne Ward
    2. Residence
      1. Charlotte Payne Ward